Microsoft Excel Pada Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Untuk Memilih Jasa Pengiriman

  • Verra Sofica


Abstrak: Pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan kriteria-kriteria serta bobot jasa pengiriman barang di Indonesia bagi online shop. Alternatif jasa pengiriman yang dapat dipertimbangan oleh online shop yaitu, Pos Indonesia, JNE, dan TIKI. Kriteria dan bobot diperoleh menggunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima kriteria beserta bobotnya yang dipertimbangkan oleh online shop dalam menentukan jasa pengiriman barang, yaitu jangkauan area memiliki bobot tertinggi sebesar (0.34), jaminan keamanan dengan bobot (0.31), estimasi waktu dengan bobot (0.15), akses tracking dengan bobot (0.12), dan yang paling terendah customer service dengan bobot (0.06). Berdasarkan penilaian atas kriteria-kriteria tersebut diperoleh alternatif tertinggi yaitu JNE dengan bobot (0.45), alternatif kedua Pos Indonesia dengan bobot (0.37) yang terakhir TIKI sebesar (0.16) .

Kata kunci: Analytical Hierarchy Process, jasa pengiriman

Abstract: In this study conducted to determine the criteria and weighting delivery services in Indonesia for the online shop. Alternative delivery services that can be considered by an online shop that is, Pos Indonesia, JNE, and TIKI. Criteria and weights obtained by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results showed that there are five criteria and their weight is considered by the online shop in determining the delivery services that reach the area has the highest weight of (0.34), security assurances by weight (0.31), estimated time with weights (0.5), access tracking by weight (0.2), and the lower most customer service with weights (0.06). Based on an assessment of these criteria obtained the highest alternative JNE by weight (0.45) , the second alternative Pos Indonesia with weights (0.377) the last TIKI of (0.16) .

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, delivery service



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How to Cite
SOFICA, Verra. Microsoft Excel Pada Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Untuk Memilih Jasa Pengiriman. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FOR EDUCATORS AND PROFESSIONALS : Journal of Information Management, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 54-66, dec. 2016. ISSN 2548-3331. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 sep. 2024.