
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektifitas pesan iklan televisi KPK versi 2012 ditinjau dari dimensi perhatian, pemahaman, respon kognitif, respon afektif, dan sikap terhadap iklan. Kuesioner disitribusikan pada 341 responden dengan metode Simple Random Sampling. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dimensi perhatian bernilai 3.80. pema-haman bernilai 4.02, Respon Kognitif bernilai 4.24, Respon Afektif bernilai 3,87 dan Sikap terhadap iklan bernilai 4,66. Untuk mengukur efektifitas konten ikian, nilai skala pendapat setiap variabel dikonversikan ke tabel Direct Rating dengan hasil Perhatian bernilai 15.2, Pemahaman 16.08, Kognitif 16.98, Afektif 15.48 dan Perilaku 18.64. Kelima dimensi yang telah dikonversikan kemudian dijumlahkan dan diperoleh jumlah 82.38 yang bermakna bahwa iklan TV KPK versi 2012 ini Sangat Efektif secara isi pesan.
 Kata Kunci: pesan ikian, perhatian, pemahaman, respon kognitif, respon afektif, sikap/terhadap iklan, pemeringkatan langsung, iklan efektif.
Abstract: This study aims to measure the effectiveness of advertising messages KPK television version 2012 viewed from the dimensions of attention, understanding, cognitive response, affective response, and attitudes toward advertising. The questionnaire was distributed to 341 respondents using Simple Random Sampling method. This study found that the dimension of attention is worth 3.80. Understanding 4.02, Cognitive Response worth 4.24, Affective Response worth 3.87 and Attitudes toward advertising 4.66. To measure the effectiveness of the content of the content, the value of the scale of the opinion of each variable is converted to the Direct Rating table with the result of Attention 15.2, Understanding 16.08, Cognitive 16.98, Affective 15.48 and Behavior 18.64. The five dimensions that have been converted then summed and obtained the number of 82.38 which means that 2012 KPK TV ads is very effective in content message.
Keywords: gesture, attention, understanding, cognitive response, affective response, attitude / to advertisement, direct ranking, effective advertising.

Author Biography

Indra Muis, Manajemen Informatika: STMIK Bina Insani
Manajemen Informatika: STMIK Bina Insani
How to Cite
MUIS, Indra. EFEKTIFITAS IKLAN TELEVISI KPK 2012 DIUKUR DENGAN DIRECT RATING METHOD. JURNAL ADMINISTRASI KANTOR, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 172-196, aug. 2013. ISSN 2527-9769. Available at: <http://ejournal-binainsani.ac.id/index.php/JAK/article/view/706>. Date accessed: 08 sep. 2024.